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Murthy Chennapragada, MD


Dr Murthy Chennapragada is an Interventional and Paediatric radiologist based in Sydney, Australia. He is a senior Staff specialist Radiologist at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead in Sydney and a Clinical senior lecturer with the University of Sydney, Australia.


Dr Chennapragada graduated from Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India and obtained radiology training in India and Australia. He completed a Fellowship in Paediatric Medical Imaging in Sydney, and a Vascular and Interventional Radiology fellowship in Toronto, Canada. His areas of special interest include paediatric hepatobiliary interventions, Liver transplant related imaging and interventions, and renovascular interventions.


He is an active member of SIR, CIRSE, and RSNA, and enjoys close ties with the regional paediatric radiology societies in Asia oceanic region and India. Outside of radiology, his interests include photography, travel, cricket and Indian movies.

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